Miracle Testimonies
Read some miracle story submissions from people around the world. These stories were sent to us via email or Facebook Messenger.
If you have a miracle story you would like to share please email us at [email protected]
Saved By An Angel After A Devastating Car Accident
James Carter shared his miracle story with me via a Facebook comment on March 11th, 2025. After a devastating accident, his fuel tanker truck was on fire, and he was in mortal danger until an angel appeared and saved him. In 1985, when I rolled a truck off a mountain […]
She Visited Heaven During A Near Death Experience
Elene Stewart shared her miracle story with me on March 8th via a Facebook comment. During a procedure, she had a near-death experience (NDE) and witnessed a glimpse of heaven. On April 1st, 2015, I was scheduled to see a specialist for a procedure. During this procedure, my vagus nerve was […]
The Angel Gabriel Appeared To Her With A Beautiful Message
Betty Valentine Flores shared her miracle story with me on March 6th through a Facebook comment. She has had a series of miraculous encounters with angels throughout her life that have strengthened her faith and helped her evangelize on one occasion. “I’ve met Gabriel, the Archangel, and he brought me […]
Jesus Appeared To Him During A Worship Music Session
Kevin Powell shared his miracle story with me on Facebook Messenger on March 4th, 2025. As he performed in a worship music session, Jesus appeared and touched his heart in a way he would never forget. I have a story where Jesus walked into a home church in Sydney in […]
Saved From Drowning & A Series Of Miraculous Experiences
Helen Elaine Fuller shared her miracle story with me in a Facebook comment on February 22nd, 2025. She experienced a series of beautiful miracles in her life stemming from the day God saved her life from drowning as a young teenager. Her original story has been edited for grammar. When I […]
He Witnessed A Miraculous Healing When Christians Began Praying
James Vines shared this incredible miracle story with me through Messenger on February 14th, 2025. He witnessed a miraculous healing while working as a hospital security detail at a federal prison in Alabama. I have seen amazing healing. I was working in a hospital security detail for a federal prisoner […]
Jesus Made Himself Known To Her And Helped Her In A Time Of Need
Maria Ramos shared this incredible miracle story with me in a comment on my miracle story video on Facebook on January 27th. Jesus gave her incredible visions as a little girl and performed an amazing miracle for her when she needed it. Her story has been edited for grammar. When […]
Her Daughter Was Safe With An Angel Outside Of Her Body
Penny Hachey shared her story with me in a comment on my miracle story video on January 4, 2025. Her daughter seemed to be having a life-threatening emergency as she lay unresponsive but later told her mother that an angel had been with her. Her story has been edited for […]
A Miraculous Coincidence As Her Mother Passed Away
Susan Sallada shared her miracle story via email on December 30th. Her mother miraculously passed away as carolers played her favorite Christian song outside their home. Her story has been edited for grammar. I’m not the greatest at writing down my thoughts, but I must share this with someone who’ll […]
Her New Home Was Freed From Demonic Oppression With A Miracle
Shawna Green shared her miracle story with me in a comment on my testimony video on Facebook. After moving into a new apartment, she experienced demonic oppression. After praying about it, a spectacular miracle occurred. Her story has been edited for grammar. I have seen an angel as well. We […]
She Was Given A Prophetic Warning About A Severe Drought
Elisabeth Heeley shared this incredible miracle story with me after seeing my miracle story video on Facebook. Given a prophetic warning about a coming drought that indeed came to pass. The drought then ended miraculously. Her story has been edited for grammar. While living in South Africa, Elohim foretold me […]
After Praying For Healing Jesus Appeared To Her
Elisabeth Heeley shared this incredible miracle story with me after seeing my miracle story video on Facebook. An elderly woman in pain prayed for healing, and Jesus himself appeared to her and miraculously healed her. Her story has been edited for grammar. An elderly woman was very ill with severe […]
After Asking God For Someone To Pray For Him He Saw Angels Praying Over Him
Gary Brady shared his story by commenting on my Facebook testimony advertisement on November 17th, 2024. As he lay alone in bed at night praying, he asked God for someone to pray for him. Suddenly, he saw a host of beautiful angels in his room praying for him. His story […]
She Met Jesus After Dying During Surgery Who Told Her “It Is Not Your Time”
Mary Macadam shared her story with me through a Facebook comment on my miracle story video ad on November 17th, 2024. After nearly dying on the operating table, she had an out-of-body experience and met who she believed to be Jesus Christ, telling her that “it is not your time, you […]
Lost At 4 Years Old A Miracle Brought Her Back Home
Maria Tomala Manzur shared her story with me by commenting on my Facebook testimony advertisement on November 19th, 2024. After getting lost, being only 4 years old, she began to panic when an incredible miracle took place that brought her back home. When I was 4 years old (1968), my […]
She Mysteriously Heard “Trust In The Lord” Before A Major Accident
Cheryl Kennedy shared this incredible miracle story with me on my Facebook miracle story video ad on October 16th, 2024. Her story has been edited for grammar. I wholeheartedly BELIEVE in Jesus not to believe. I used to be housekeeping for a major resort in Branson, Missouri. It was one […]
Miraculously Healed Of An Ulcer & Saw Jesus Many Times
Kay Lee shared her story with me on October 15th, 2024, through a comment reply on my miracle story video ad. Her story has been edited for grammar: I was a nonbeliever. On 8-1-2009, I went to a picnic with a group of Christians. Then, the next day, August 2nd, […]
God Showed Him Both Heaven & Hell
Brandon Holt shared this incredible miracle story with me in a private message after seeing my miracle story video. God showed him both heaven and hell. His story has been edited for grammar. His initial comment was: I’ve had almost the same kind of experience. I’ve seen an angel when […]
Her Grandchildren Saved By An Angel Resembling Her Father
Kimberly Hortz shared this incredible miracle story with me in the comment section of my miracle story video. During a house fire that threatened her grandchildren’s lives, an angel resembling her father with wings as tall as the ceiling saved them. Her story has been edited for grammar. Her initial […]
She Saw Jesus In Great Glory Surrounded By Thousands
Laura Mitchell recently shared this incredible story of seeing Jesus in great splendor. After giving her life to Christ, soon after, she had a supernatural vision of Jesus with a heavenly army. “I’ve seen Jesus.” I responded to her: “Please tell me your full story. You can message me privately, […]
Two Amazing Encounters With An Angel
Corina Briggs Vink shared her miracle story with me via Facebook Messenger recently. She recounts two experiences of seeing an angel. Once in angelic form and a second time at her husband’s deathbed in the form of an ordinary nurse. Her original story has been edited for grammar. Here is […]
Miraculous Appearance Of The Holy Ghost
Chris Holland shared this amazing miracle story with me through a Facebook comment. One gloomy night at the hospital she saw the Holy Ghost appear with brilliant white light and bless her dying husband. Here is her miracle story… I have received several miracles in my life. But when my […]
Jesus Saved Him During Demonic Attack
Frank shared this beautiful miracle story by email. During what he describes as a demonic attack, he called out to Jesus and saw a brilliant light appear and presence. Here is his miracle story… One night while lying in bed awake I sensed a large demonic presence come into the […]
Miraculously Protected From Near Certain Death & Healed
Joanne Goldenstein shared this incredible story with me in June 2023. After a catastrophic car accident that nearly killed her, she heard God tell her to “go to the beach”, an act she attributes to her miraculous healing. I edited her story for grammar only, otherwise this is her exact […]
One Sleepless Night She Saw Angels In Her Home
Amy shared this frightening miracle story with me that occurred to her in 1998. On one sleepless night God gave her a glimpse into the unseen world where she saw angels with wings and long deceased friends. I edited her story for grammar only, otherwise this is her exact account […]
Miracle Healing Witnessed By A Team Of Doctors
Amy allowed me to share this story she told when I came across it in a Facebook comment section. Her best friends son’s aneurism was the subject of extensive research by neuro surgeons who witnessed his miraculous healing. The doctors themselves admit that this healing is a miracle from God. […]
She Didn’t Know She Had A Twin Sister Until She Had This Dream
Sheila shared her miracle story with me in a Facebook comment over a year ago and I completely missed it until today when I was scrolling through the comments. In a dream she not only see angels and heaven but also meets her twin sister who passed away at birth […]
Saved From A House Fire By An Angel
Bonnie shared her miracle story with me in a Facebook comment in December 2022. During a house fire she and her kids witnessed an angel holding back the flames to help them escape. A bible was found in the charred remains of the house completely untouched by the fire. Her […]
Three Incredible Encounters With Jesus
Theresa sent me this story by email in November 2022 about three separate and equally incredible encounters she had with Jesus in her life. Each encounter with Jesus was during some difficult or uncertain time in her life that gave her faith, hope, and strength. Here is her miracle story… […]
His Blind Sister Sees Jesus Days Before Passing Away
Timothy Martindale sent this beautiful miracle story to me. His sister, blinded from a young age by brain surgery sees Jesus in her hospital room one day while he was with her. This vision caused her to believe in God only days before her natural passing. Here is his miracle […]
God Spared His Life For A Purpose
David Wall sent this beautiful miracle story to me. He had a vision of God, then later on he is involved in a major car accident, his heart stops 3 times on the way to the hospital. He sees God once again, and is given a great task. His writing […]
Doctors Said He Would Die But God Had Other Plans
Charles (last name redacted) sent this beautiful miracle story to me. Having suffered a cerebral aneurysm a day after his wedding, doctors told him he would not survive, but God had other plans. Here is his miracle story… The day after I was married, I had a cerebral aneurysm. I was […]
He Saw An Angel In His Time Of Need
Joshua Petersen sent this beautiful miracle story to me. In his desperate time of need, God opens his eyes to see an angel protecting him. Here is his miracle story… Allow me to share a passage from the book of Psalms chapter 34, a psalm of David: “The angel of […]
Near Death She Sees Her Deceased Mother Encouraging Her To Live
Valerie sent this beautiful miracle story to me. Near death, she saw her mother, who had died years earlier, encouraging her to persevere and live. Here is her miracle story… Hi my name is Valerie my story as you have asked for it. I lost my mother in 2010 & […]
She Saw Angels Protecting Her From A Demon
Teresa shared her miracle story with me in November 2021. She’s experienced many miracles in her life but this story involved seeing actual angels. Here is her miracle story… I attended a college preparatory boarding school for girls and one evening as I was studying in the library, I began […]
Meeting Her Guardian Angel In Her Time Of Need
Linda shared her miracle story with me in October 2021. In her desperate time of need she encountered a divine experience. Here is her miracle story… I don’t remember if it was Jesus or an angel, but when I was 6 years old, my mom and my siblings and I […]
She Asked “Where Are You God?” And He Answered
Nancy Heise shared her miracle story with me in August 2021. As miserable seventh grader who was bullied at school she asked God “where are you?” and He answered her. Here is her miracle story… When I was in seventh grade I went to a very expensive private school that […]
Saw An Angel Laying Beside Her Near Death
Vicki Thompson emailed me her miracle story in August 2021. Near death at the age of 57 she experienced a miracle that made her believe in Jesus. Here is her miracle story… I had collapsed one night with an 18% chance of survival; while I was on life support I […]
Raised To Be Atheist; But Experienced A Miracle
Susan Senko emailed me her miracle story in August 2021. Raised in an atheist household, she sought after God and God did not hide from her. Here is her miracle story… I was raised in a atheist household – but I didn’t like that my parents told me there was […]
Contractor’s Son Died Of The Flu
I met a contractor working at my dad’s house. We started talking about faith and he told me a miracle story he had. His son was 21 years old and dying of the flu. The virus had attacked his spine and paralyzed him. He spent 18 months in the hospital […]
Woman Who Saw Angel Praying Over Her
I met an old woman who was interested in my story of seeing an angel. She said she too had seen an angel. One night as she battled anxiety over some issues in her life she went to sleep. She woke up during the night and saw an angel praying […]
Man Who Died, Ascended To Heaven, But Came Back To Life
I met a homeless man named David who made palm branch art and sold fresh coconut juice. We talked about religion for a bit and he told me his religious experience. When he was 17 he died in a car accident. He saw the light and felt himself being lifted […]
Man Who Saw Jesus
I met a man who said one day when he was a little child he was sitting in his living room with his brother when Jesus appeared. He floated in the air with his hands out and you could see the holes in his hands and feet. He then floated […]
Woman Saved From Being Raped
There was a woman who I met who had a story of an angel she believes that saved her from being raped. She lived in Africa at one point with her parents. She was going for a run when a man grabbed her and was going to rape her. She […]
Aaron The Suicidal Man
Aaron was a homeless man who walked across the country to get to Miami Florida. He had just gotten out of jail for a crime he did not commit. He was sad and not religious but his story went like this. He was suicidal from events in his life. One […]
Seeing My Grandma’s Face In A Cloud
When I was about 16 years old I was in my living room cleaning when I knew my grandmother was dying from a lung disease. I looked out the window when I saw in the clouds her face perfectly sculpted in a cloud. She was looking up in the sky. […]