Jesus Made Himself Known To Her And Helped Her In A Time Of Need
Maria Ramos shared this incredible miracle story with me in a comment on my miracle story video on Facebook on January 27th. Jesus gave her incredible visions as a little girl and performed an amazing miracle for her when she needed it. Her story has been edited for grammar.
When I was 5 years old, I was sitting on the second church bench, very close to the area where the priest stands to talk and pray. I saw a big cross with a man on it, and above, a little away from the man’s head, I saw two baby cherubim. As I looked at the baby angels, they began to smile at me, and I smiled back at them. I became very happy, and then I saw how the cherubim began to flap their wings while smiling at me. I was loving every moment of it. The people, including my parents and brothers, couldn’t see any of what I was seeing.
Then I looked at the man on the big cross, and I saw that His chest was slightly moving, just like mine, as I looked at my chest to compare. I looked at Him again, and He was smiling at me. I smiled back at Him. All of a sudden, I remembered to look at my parents to make sure they didn’t see me doing anything other than being still and listening to the priest talk. So, as I turned to search for my parents, I noticed I was inside a very thin film that I could only see. I thought I was in a big balloon. I could see the people, but they couldn’t see me.
Then I turned to see the man. He was still smiling at me, and I began to smile at Him again. Suddenly, I noticed the veil or film was gone, and the man spoke to me with His mind and told me, “I am JESUS.” I never told my parents or anyone about this. As the days passed and then months went by, I turned 6 years old and started attending school for the first time. My two oldest brothers were told by my father to always walk with me to school and return home with me. One day, they disobeyed my father and left without me. I waited and waited for them, but they never came for me. I became scared and started to cry, wanting to go home, but I didn’t know where home was. I cried even louder, and my body started to tremble.
After a while, I noticed a group of kids walking toward an area where my brothers usually headed home, so I followed them. But when all the kids started to scatter in different directions, I stopped walking and returned to the spot where I was. I was still crying as I looked in every direction, and then I saw a group of boys. I ran as fast as I could to get close to them. I reached them and stayed just a few steps behind them, following them to a long hurricane fence, where two figures dressed in black with a white patch on their foreheads were standing. The boys lined up, and I was last in line. One by one, the boys talked to one of the figures, who would then let them walk toward a brown brick building.
When it was my turn, the figure dressed in black looked at me and said loudly, “No, you can’t go in there.” I started to cry loudly, and the other black figure hurried over, asking, “What’s happening here?” Then the mean black figure said, “She can’t go with them because she’s just 6 years old, and the boys are 11.” The nice black figure said out loud, “JESUS says, Let the children come to Me.” The mean black figure grew quiet and, in a softer voice, told me, “Oh yes, yes, you can go,” and I ran to catch up with the boys.
I entered a room that looked like a classroom, and that day was my first time attending Bible study. When it was time to leave, I followed the boys out the door and we crossed the street to walk into a big church called St. Joan of Arc. There, the boys got in line, and I was the last one. We walked until we reached a big cross, and one by one, each boy had to go and kneel on a wooden block next to JESUS, pray, and then go home. I looked at the door every time it opened and saw that it was still daylight outside.
When it was my turn, I looked at JESUS from where I was still standing in line. I said to Him in my language (Spanish), and my voice was a little loud when I spoke, “JESUS, I don’t know how to pray, but I can talk to You.” Then I heard a loud voice saying what I had just said. I got very scared as I heard the voice echoing up toward the church’s highest ceiling (it was the first time I heard an echo). I ran to JESUS and held onto His feet as I cried, telling Him what my brothers had done to me and that I wanted to go home, but I didn’t know where home was.
After a while, I calmed down and told Him, “I’m brave now. I’ll walk home now,” and I dried His feet of all my tears. Then I walked toward the church’s door. When I grabbed the door and opened it, I saw that it was dark outside, and I became so scared that my body started to shake. I began to cry loudly. Then I felt the touch of a hand on my left shoulder. I turned my head toward my left shoulder and saw fingers. I traced the fingers to a hand, then to an arm that went behind my back toward my right side. When I looked up, I saw who was standing next to me. I quickly tried to look toward the big cross, but as I did that, He told me, “Tell everyone or anyone about this, and they will call you crazy or just walk away. But you tell them.”
As I was looking and listening to Him, I answered Him. We communicated by mind. The big cross was empty because JESUS was there by my side. Then JESUS said to me, “Give me your hand. I’m taking you home.” When JESUS held my hand with His, I noticed that both our hands were brown in skin color. We had the same skin color—I’m Hispanic. As we started to walk, I saw light coming out of His chest. While we walked, I told Him about the streets and homes my brothers passed by all the time.
At one point, we passed two men sitting outside at a table talking. With them were a grown cat and dog. The men didn’t see us, but the cat and dog did, and they came to meet us as we walked past. As I was talking, JESUS smiled at me and held my hand. When we got close to my home, JESUS looked at the door and opened it. Then we walked inside and stood against the wall near the door. I saw my father whipping my brothers with his belt and asking them where they had left me. My mother was standing nearby, and then she looked toward the door and started walking toward us. She stood a few steps away from us and asked, “Who brought you home?”
JESUS and I were still holding hands. I said to her, “JESUS brought me home.” My mother became angry and yelled at me, saying, “You are crazy!” She then went over to my father and told him to look at us. My father looked at us and asked, “Who brought you home?” I turned to look at JESUS, still holding His hand, and JESUS smiled, letting me know it would be okay. Then I said to my father, “JESUS brought me home,” and JESUS was standing with me, holding my hand.
My father got really mad and said to me, “You are so crazy!” Then he walked away, very angry. My parents walked away from me, and I stood there watching them. When I turned to my right, I realized that my Lord JESUS Christ was gone. I realized that my parents couldn’t see JESUS Christ, but only I could. JESUS Christ has been with me in visions, dreams, and real-life moments like these two, and many others. He has helped me in dangerous times, and I hear His voice.
I started writing a book about my life with JESUS so my family could know about my life with my Lord, but I stopped because I thought they might not want to know. They might think I’m like my parents thought I was.

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