She Mysteriously Heard “Trust In The Lord” Before A Major Accident
Cheryl Kennedy shared this incredible miracle story with me on my Facebook miracle story video ad on October 16th, 2024. Her story has been edited for grammar.
I wholeheartedly BELIEVE in Jesus not to believe. I used to be housekeeping for a major resort in Branson, Missouri. It was one of the dark moments I and my family were going through. I cared for my grandsons while my daughter would disappear for days. At that time, I had recently rededicated my life to Christ. One morning in particular, I was cleaning a resort condo, and the song playing on my phone was MARY DID YOU KNOW. Well, I stepped out of there to grab the sheets for the beds and heard, “Trust in the LORD.” I looked around to make sure it wasn’t someone pranking. I didn’t see anyone and proceeded to get that room done, plus two smaller rooms. As I walked into my next large room, I was stopped in my tracks by a more audible “TRUST IN THE LORD.” I once again looked around outside the room, down and up the stairs, and the elevator, but no one could be found outside. I went and cleaned the room and moved on to my next room and next room. The whole day at work, I would hear those words louder and louder and look around for the voice that I thought was someone messing with me. In my last room of the day, I heard those words so LOUD I fell to my knees after I said, “LORD, If this is from YOU, I’m listening for you to talk.” I heard those words again and went silent. I lifted my arms in tears and told the LORD I didn’t know why, where, or what would happen or what I was about to encounter, but I Fully TRUST IN YOU. I said the same words all the way home, and I fully trust in YOU. I got home, a neighbor came out to say hello. I asked him if he had seen where my grandsons were playing, and he told me at the next-door neighbor’s with the kids that lived there. I went in and made some coffee, changed out of my work clothes into regular clothes, and grabbed a cup of fresh coffee. I heard the words all day; I was hearing them again. I repeated my reply”I TRUST IN THE LORD FULLY and I don’t know when, where, how, why or who, but I Trust in YOU LORD.” I was standing out on my front porch, and this neighbor who shouldn’t have been allowed to drive came up the street in his OLD Lincoln town car. I groaned and grumbled, “please, don’t honk that stupid tune of tow bits and a dollar.” Well, he did, and no sooner than he got done, my head was turned the other way, looking down to the next yard, when I heard TRUST IN THE LORD!!! I said out loud, “I TRUST IN YOU LORD!” I felt this invisible hand or giant wings; maybe it was HIS Arms wrapping around me. I heard the gunning of the motor of that Old Lincoln town car and looked up in time to see it every off the street and right to the corner of my porch with me standing in place, not terrified and proving to the LORD my trust in HIM. As soon as the car hit the corner of the porch, it was like everything went into slow motion, as it does in some movies. I do mean SLOW MOTION. I couldn’t hear any kind of noise, not nothing, not even the car or neighbor screaming at me. I stood there just watching this boat of a car roll up on only two wheels while the other two were up in the air, and the car was Slowly rolling past me. I looked and could see every functioning part on the bottom of the car. As soon as the car got to the end of the other side of my porch and dropped down, everything went back to normal motion. I just stood there and watched the car finally stop three driveways from my house. The neighbor out there who had been screaming for me to run came running to me and asked all kinds of questions. Why didn’t I move? Was I alright? Where was everyone? I looked at him and said, “I had to Trust in the LORD and I did, because the devil hates me and is trying to take me out, because he wants my daughter in hell.” The neighbor just stood there a moment and then walked off. I looked at the ground while standing on the top step and realized my youngest grandson didn’t have his shoes on. picked up the shoes and took them to him. About an hour later, the neighbor came and got a message from the man who had been used by the devil earlier to tell me he apologized for that happening. The next day, the man came by in his car and stood out in the yard explaining that his foot(one foot) had slipped off the brake pedal. The next thing he knew, he was on two wheels. That was when I gave the man an ear full of his being on the road higher than a kite and driving, that my grandsons could have been killed because he had to get out and drive his car while under the influence. I proceeded to tell him that had it NOT BEEN for the warning from The Holy Spirit, I wouldn’t be alive. The man just stood there, not knowing what to say after that. I asked him politely not to ever come back in my yard again. Two weeks later, we had a freak snow/ sleet storm. By this time and the next incident, I KNEW why the devil hated me for being a praying and faith-believing woman. Because the devil used that same man and his car to try and blow up not just me and my family but the neighborhood by the man trying to get up a slippery drive to the road. I closed my front door and got coffee(once again). When I hear a loud hissing. I went looking for busted water pipes or running water only to find the man and his car had taken out our gas meter. I immediately slammed the door and yelled out JESUS HELP ME! I was on my phone trying to get the police department; I got someone and told them what happened. They were told they were getting someone now. I opened my door, and not 20-30 seconds before, no one (emergency-wise) had been out there, but right then, there was city police telling me to wake everyone in the house but not to go outside until they got the gas turned off. PRAISE JESUS, there is not one person that can or ever could convince me that GOD isn’t REAL because HE IS REAL.

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