The Angel Gabriel Appeared To Her With A Beautiful Message
Betty Valentine Flores shared her miracle story with me on March 6th through a Facebook comment. She has had a series of miraculous encounters with angels throughout her life that have strengthened her faith and helped her evangelize on one occasion.
“I’ve met Gabriel, the Archangel, and he brought me a beautiful message from God!”
I replied, “Wow, thank you for sharing! Please share your full story if you have time.”
Betty continued:
“I was transported to a house in Israel. As I sat at a wooden table, I looked around at the stone walls and the simple decor of the two sparsely furnished rooms, with stone stairs leading to an upper level. Suddenly, a very distinguished angel walked through the arched wooden door—literally through the door! He approached the table and told me, ‘Betty, God sent me to give you a message to share with others.’
My angel, who had been standing beside me, leaned down and asked, ‘Do you know who you are speaking to?’ I replied, ‘No.’ He then told me, ‘You’re speaking to Gabriel, God’s Archangel!’ I was so excited, and I began telling Gabriel every scripture I knew about him. I said, ‘I’m so pleased to meet you!’ He smiled and waved his arm, showing me a house where I saw my husband walking up the back steps to a home I recognized as one of his daughters’ houses. In front of him were his oldest sons and daughter, and behind my husband was the Holy Ghost, appearing as a man but in the form of wind.
Gabriel asked me, ‘Does it bother you that your husband is going into this house to speak to Carman, the mother of his ten children? They never married, but they had ten kids, all of whom I loved and brought to the Lord.’ I told Gabriel that he knew my heart, and that I had been praying for this for many years. Gabriel leaned forward, placed his hands on the table, and looked into my eyes. He said, ‘Betty, God says you have a pure heart and a pure mind, and you please Him. You are the apple of His eye.’ Gabriel’s eyes were like pure living waters, almost indescribable. The message he gave me was about forgiveness. He said that hell is full of God’s children because they refused to forgive, and as a result, they died unforgiven. His word clearly tells us in Mark 11:26 that when we stand praying, we must forgive; if we don’t forgive, we will not be forgiven.
It took seven years for my husband to finally speak to Carman and ask for her forgiveness. I was there to pray for her, and she accepted Christ! A week later, she passed away, and two weeks after her death, my husband also passed. I rejoiced for both of them!
Gabriel had silver hair, tanned skin, and wore a white tunic that came down to his knees, white pants, and white shoes. He had a thick chain and medallion around his neck, and his hair was short with bangs. But it was his eyes that I can still see, and I praise God for allowing me to meet him.
I’ve had another encounter with a beautiful angel that I’ll share as well. During the last year of my husband’s life, while he was under hospice care, I went through a difficult time and became discouraged. But I went out onto the porch to pray and repented for feeling discouraged. I asked God to turn me into a vessel of love, and that’s all I wanted. A week later, a beautiful red-headed angel came to me and said, ‘Betty, God heard your prayer, and it pleased Him. He sent me to impart something to you.’ She then embraced me, and God’s love melted me. I sank to my knees and cried, overwhelmed, telling God that man could never understand His love.
Two weeks later, I was driving a Greyhound bus from Dallas to Houston at midnight. A newlywed couple sat in the second seat to my right, and an elderly red-headed woman sat in the front seat in front of them. As I got onto the highway, I began talking to the newlyweds. I ministered to them about making Jesus Lord over their marriage, and during our conversation, I led both of them to the Lord. The woman in front of them began speaking to us, and her words were heavenly. She told them things that could only be described as divine. When we arrived at the terminal in Houston, the woman and the couple were the first to stand. The woman pressed something into my hands and said, ‘Betty, God told me to give you this,’ before walking down the steps and vanishing before me and the young couple.
I told them I knew she was an angel, and the couple, along with those sitting behind them, all got excited and agreed with us. They said it was like being in heaven listening to our conversation during the five-hour trip! The gift she gave me was a keychain with a clear heart and a rose inside, surrounded by water. It is something I will always cherish.
On dead runs—when I was bringing an empty bus back to the station—I would often sing ‘He’s the Sweet Rose of Sharon.’ God is so good!”

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