God Is Real.
There Is Proof.
Learn more about scientifically documented miracles and hear personal stories people have shared with me.

35% Of Americans report having personally experienced a miracle.

17% Of people who nearly die have reported having a near-death experience (NDE).
Read The Numerous Peer-Reviewed Studies Published By The NIH

1,200 Miracles investigated by the Vatican are recognized as authentic supernatural events.

The Shroud of Turin truly does come from the time of Christ, according to several tests done in the past decade.

An estimated 70,000 people witnessed the “Miracle of the Sun” in Fatima Portugal in 1917.

70 Scientifically investigated and inexplicable miraculous healings at the Marian Shrine in Lourdes France.
God’s existence is proven empirically through research on near-death experiences and miraculous healings at religious sites. 9 million people worldwide are believed to have experienced NDE’s and 7,000 miraculous healings have been reported at the Lourdes Marian Shrine alone, 70+ of which have been confirmed miraculous by a panel of secular medical professionals. Additionally, 35% of American’s polled by CNBC in 1999 claimed to have experienced a miracle.
The arguments against God’s existence hinge on the fact that the Biblical stories are too fantastic to believe, but people like me who have personally witnessed miracles do not find them so hard to believe. On this website, you will find a multitude of miracle stories people have shared with me over the years of promoting my own story. Never be ashamed of your faith in God, because it is by this faith that we are saved by Jesus Christ. God bless.
Miracle Testimonies Shared With Me
These are some of the many stories people have shared with me over the years. Click on a story to view the full version.
Miraculously Healed Of An Ulcer & Saw Jesus Many Times
Kay Lee shared her story with me on October 15th, 2024, through a comment reply on my miracle story video ad. Her story has been edited for grammar: I was a nonbeliever. On 8-1-2009, I went to a picnic with a group of Christians. Then, the next day, August 2nd, […]
God Showed Him Both Heaven & Hell
Brandon Holt shared this incredible miracle story with me in a private message after seeing my miracle story video. God showed him both heaven and hell. His story has been edited for grammar. His initial comment was: I’ve had almost the same kind of experience. I’ve seen an angel when […]
Her Grandchildren Saved By An Angel Resembling Her Father
Kimberly Hortz shared this incredible miracle story with me in the comment section of my miracle story video. During a house fire that threatened her grandchildren’s lives, an angel resembling her father with wings as tall as the ceiling saved them. Her story has been edited for grammar. Her initial […]
She Saw Jesus In Great Glory Surrounded By Thousands
Laura Mitchell recently shared this incredible story of seeing Jesus in great splendor. After giving her life to Christ, soon after, she had a supernatural vision of Jesus with a heavenly army. “I’ve seen Jesus.” I responded to her: “Please tell me your full story. You can message me privately, […]
Two Amazing Encounters With An Angel
Corina Briggs Vink shared her miracle story with me via Facebook Messenger recently. She recounts two experiences of seeing an angel. Once in angelic form and a second time at her husband’s deathbed in the form of an ordinary nurse. Her original story has been edited for grammar. Here is […]
Miraculous Appearance Of The Holy Ghost
Chris Holland shared this amazing miracle story with me through a Facebook comment. One gloomy night at the hospital she saw the Holy Ghost appear with brilliant white light and bless her dying husband. Here is her miracle story… I have received several miracles in my life. But when my […]
Jesus Saved Him During Demonic Attack
Frank shared this beautiful miracle story by email. During what he describes as a demonic attack, he called out to Jesus and saw a brilliant light appear and presence. Here is his miracle story… One night while lying in bed awake I sensed a large demonic presence come into the […]
Miraculously Protected From Near Certain Death & Healed
Joanne Goldenstein shared this incredible story with me in June 2023. After a catastrophic car accident that nearly killed her, she heard God tell her to “go to the beach”, an act she attributes to her miraculous healing. I edited her story for grammar only, otherwise this is her exact […]
One Sleepless Night She Saw Angels In Her Home
Amy shared this frightening miracle story with me that occurred to her in 1998. On one sleepless night God gave her a glimpse into the unseen world where she saw angels with wings and long deceased friends. I edited her story for grammar only, otherwise this is her exact account […]
Miracle Healing Witnessed By A Team Of Doctors
Amy allowed me to share this story she told when I came across it in a Facebook comment section. Her best friends son’s aneurism was the subject of extensive research by neuro surgeons who witnessed his miraculous healing. The doctors themselves admit that this healing is a miracle from God. […]
Short-Form Miracle Testimonies
Often, when people share their miracle experiences, it is not in a long-form story. Here are some of the miracle stories people have shared in the comment sections of my video and others on the web. Click on the comment below to enlarge it.
There are thousands of miracle experiences recorded and uploaded to YouTube alone. So many more are not recorded in video. If you experienced a miracle, do not be afraid to share it. God wants to save the souls of all men and women on Earth. He loves His creations, no matter how evil they seem to be. Always treat those without faith with compassion and love, because God loves them.