Saved From Drowning & A Series Of Miraculous Experiences
Helen Elaine Fuller shared her miracle story with me in a Facebook comment on February 22nd, 2025. She experienced a series of beautiful miracles in her life stemming from the day God saved her life from drowning as a young teenager. Her original story has been edited for grammar.
When I was 15 years old, I had a near-death experience. I went swimming with my sister and brothers; they took swimming lessons so they knew how to swim. I was afraid of the water so I didn’t take any swimming lessons, there was a big hole in the water, and I went under. I grabbed my sister’s leg, and she told me to let go of her because I was pulling her under, so I grabbed one of my brother’s legs, and he told me the same thing. I learned about Jesus at Sunday school but didn’t know if there was a God because my dad said there was no God, and my mom said there was a God. So I knew that if there were no God, I would drown, so I said God, if there is a God, save my life, and I will serve you the rest of my life. and I pleaded with God. I told him that I had never been married yet, that I had never had any children yet, and that I had never had sex yet. God didn’t say anything. He just let me do the talking. then everything went black, and I said I am dead, but I said maybe my mom was right, maybe there was a God. There has to be a God because someone had to make this beauty- the trees, the flowers, the birds. That is when I decided that there was a God, and I said that I couldn’t be dead because I was still talking. that is when I said, when I wake up, I will be alive I said it about 3 times, and I said I am not asleep; I am drowning. when I said it the 3rd time, it was daylight again, and I was walking towards the shore, and someone was pushing me towards the shore, but I couldn’t turn around to see, so when I got to the shore and turned around, there was no one there. Everyone that was there before, including my sister and brothers, left. everyone left me there to drown, and I saw the sky all lit up. I knew then that my mom was right, that there was a God, and that he had just saved my life, so I kept my promise to him. I asked him to save my life and that I will serve him for the rest of my life. I am now 72 years old, and God has saved my life many times. I never knew why God kept saving my life until the last few years when I found out that God chose me before I was born and that I have a divine calling on my life that I never knew about. when I was 12 years old and my sister was 11 years old, we were in a foster home together for 3 years, but before that, the woman that took us to live with her and her husband in that foster home brought us to see Billy Graham first, and she asked me to go up for prayer, but I didn’t want to go. I looked up to the front, and I was there, and Billy Graham turned around and saw me standing there, and he laid his hand on my head and prayed for me, and then I wasn’t there anymore. I was back with the Salvation Army woman and my sister, but I didn’t know how I got to the front or how I got back to the Salvation Army woman. my sister, but I know now. I just told you what happened when I was 15 years old. When I was 18 years old, in grade 10, and in the 2-year course in high school, my teacher sent me to the office with the absentee sheet. When I got back, she was talking to the class, so I waited outside the door and listened to what she was saying. She said my name, and she said that I was special and I thought she had made a mistake because we are all special in the 2-year course. in 2022, I asked Jesus many questions, and one question I asked him was what Billy Graham prayed for me, and he told me to receive the gift of divine healing. all these years, I never knew that I had that gift, but I prayed for my son many times when he was little, and he told me one time that every time I prayed for him, God healed him every time. I also asked Jesus in 2022 why my teacher told the class I was special, and Jesus told me I was special to him. I told him that to be special to him is the best kind of special that there is, and because I am special to Jesus, God gave me a room in Heaven with my name on the door in sparkling gold letters and in my room. There is a bed, a night table, a Bible in the drawer, and a trumpet on top of the night, and I blew my trumpet once already. I used to go to my room in my dreams until I had a miscarriage, and now I can go to my room any time that I want to. I had a miscarriage in 1995. I was 42 years old, and now I am 72 years old. God gave me back my baby because he told me that my husband was responsible for the miscarriage and that I wasn’t supposed to have the miscarriage, so that is why I asked for my baby boy back a few Sundays ago at church. My pastor asked us to lay hands on ourselves and to pray for ourselves, and I lay my hands on my belly. I prayed to have my baby boy back inside of me, and as I prayed, I had the reassurance in my heart. I started crying at church because I knew that I had him back. I will be 73 years old next Saturday, March 1st, 2025. Seniors have children in the Bible. Sarah was 91 years old when she had Issac, and the Bible says Jesus Christ was the same yesterday, today, and forever. Whatever happened in the Bible is still happening. The Bible is real.

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