He Saw An Angel In His Time Of Need
Joshua Petersen sent this beautiful miracle story to me. In his desperate time of need, God opens his eyes to see an angel protecting him.
Here is his miracle story…
Allow me to share a passage from the book of Psalms chapter 34, a psalm of David: “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.”
This promise that the angel of the Lord watches over those who fear the Lord is something I have experienced directly. Please allow me to share my experience. Many years ago back in 2011, I was in great distress; I went outside the front door of my apartment on the second floor where I cried for a great length of time unto the Lord as I felt completely desolate and forsaken. While I was praying, I heard footsteps from someone behind me as I was praying. As I turned around, I saw an angel of the Lord in bright white garments and white blonde hair. As soon as I turned around and saw the angel he immediately vanished before my eyes into a conduit behind the front door of my apartment. The trial I was going through was not removed, but I knew that I was not alone as I thought and so like the scripture promises…”The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him.”
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